Loan regulations

Status Books AV Media
Loan Period Max Renewals Reservation Max Loan Items Loan Period Max Renewals Reservation
Faculty 60 days 1 Yes 30 14 days 0 Yes
Staff 30 days 1 Yes 20 14 days 0 Yes
Graduate Students Semester 30 days 1 Yes 20 14 days 0 Yes
Whole holidayses 0 Yes 20 Only loan inside the library
Undergraduats Semester 14 days 2 Yes 12 14 days 0 Yes
Whole holidayses 0 Yes 12 14 days 0 Yes
retirees 30 days 0 Yes 5 Only loan inside the libraryˇ@
Alumni 30 days 0 Yes 5 Only loan inside the libraryˇ@
Continuing Students 30 days 0 Yes 5 Only loan inside the libraryˇ@
Interlibrary Loan services  please refer to following link.
 1.When the reader returned the Items which can not be borrowed at the same time.
 2.The periodicals , newspapers, reference books, course reserves are only permitted to read in the library.
 3.Library notices via Email, overdues will be charged NT5 per item per day, total items max fines NT500.
 4.The above details are based on Takming University Book Loan Regulation, If any other help note that Readers Services Counters or Online Services to request.